Training Details

Display Screen Equipment
The aim of this course is to raise awareness on health hazards that can be associated with using DSE for long periods of time; carrying out risk assessment on workstations in order to be able to reduce the risks to DSE users’ health and wellbeing. Working intensively with display screen equipment (DSE) for long periods of time can cause significant health problems such as: eyestrain and visual fatigue, headaches, problems with arms, hands and wrists, back, shoulder and neck pain. This course is important for anyone that works in an environment where they spend long periods sitting looking at a screen and using a keyboard. This course comprehensively covers: what display screen equipment is and the risks in using it improperly your employer’s duties under the Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 what you should do to ensure your health and safety when using display screen equipment.
The aim of this course is to raise awareness on health hazards that can be associated with using DSE for long periods of time; carrying out risk assessment on workstations in order to be able to reduce the risks to DSE users' health and wellbeing.